We need your help today to send a powerful message to Washington that immigrants in the United States deserve fair treatment. Tell your Members of Congress now that we need true immigration reform based on the American values we all hold dear. Please join us and sign the petition below.
Send this petition to:
- Your Senators
- cc: Your Congressperson
Congress should pass real, immigration reform that:
1) respects our values of fairness, hard work and family
2) provides a clear path to earned citizenship
3) fixes America’s immigration system to make it safe, legal, and orderly
4) unites families
5) ensures workplace and civil rights protections for everyone
We are opposed to immigration legislation that rejects real solutions in favor of unworkable and immoral rhetoric. Proposals such as arresting and deporting 11 million men, women and children to nations all over the world is simply unworkable and runs counter to the American values we cherish.
America’s broken immigration system is not working for new immigrants and citizens alike. It is time for Members of Congress to show real leadership and pass comprehensive immigration reform now.
Signed by:
[Your name]
[Your address]
The even it now over. Thank you everyone for participating.